The European Parliament’s approval of the AI Act marks a significant shift in digital governance, establishing a global blueprint for ethical artificial intelligence (AI). This law, which assesses AI applications based on their risk levels, aims to ensure AI is safer and adheres to ethical standards, tackling issues like bias and privacy concerns. 


Last month’s STELLIGENCE’ Tech Meet, led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Peerapat Chokesuwattanaskul, explored the implications of such regulations. The session, “AI Compliance, Must, Good-to-have, and Maybe,” highlighted the need for a balance between innovation and societal safety, emphasizing collaborative progress in AI. 


This legislation isn’t just about accountability; it’s about setting ethical standards for AI technologies.  


At STELLIGENCE, our commitment to Explainable AI, through tools like RAG and Knowledge Graph, aims to make AI both accessible and ethically sound, in line with the AI Act’s vision.  


We’re dedicated to developing AI that’s transparent, responsible, and benefits everyone. As we navigate the evolving digital landscape, we invite you to join our journey towards creating AI solutions that are clear, ethical, and contribute positively to society. 


“In practical terms, this initiative extends beyond just EU companies; it encompasses all businesses that operate within and engage with the European market. As a result, Thai enterprises will need to comply with this AI Act to sustain their presence in the global marketplace.  

This marks the official beginning of the Responsible AI era. AI is no longer just hype, but a transformation that is just beginning.” Mr. Saruj Thipsena, CTO concluded.


Reference: MEPs approve world’s first comprehensive AI law (